AYP started Award Network in 2011 during our 50th Anniversary, with the objective to bring DEA and AYP Award recipients and volunteers together. Let’s get connected with the Award family, support AYP youth development work in Hong Kong.

Join Award Network
Our vision is to connect Award holders and volunteers together and pass AYP spirit to the next generation. Together, we have the power to achieve!
You can be our Award Network Pioneer and expand Award Network. If you register through an existing member, both of you will receive a souvenir.
About the Award Network
Connect DEA and AYP Award recipients and volunteer together. Let’s get connected with the Award family, support AYP youth development in Hong Kong.
Our Missions
- Foster relationship among DEA / AYP Award holders and volunteer
- Encourage service and support to AYP in running the Award
- Promote AYP through sharing our AYP good stories
- Serve the community
Core Group members
Ms. Jeanne Cheng
Individual Members:
Mr. Calvin Chan
Ms. Teresa Mok
Mr. Elkin Lee
Mr. Lam Yu Wing
Mr. Ackman Tsang
Mr. Dino Sha
Ms. Ha Lai Ching
Ms. Phyllis Lo
Mr. Christopher Pang
Organization Members:
Award Operating Authority
Civil Aid Service Operating Authority
Hong Kong Playground Association Operating Authority
Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps Operating Authority
Schools Operating Authority
The Boys’ Brigade, Hong Kong Operating Authority
Yan Oi Tong Operating Authority
Hong Kong Police Operating Authority
Gold Award Holders Association Hong Kong
Award Office:
Ms. Joyce Chan, CEO of AYP

AYP in ACTION’ was successfully held on 10 March 2019 in Mui Woo. Despite the undesirable weather conditions, participants and volunteers made it through with strong team spirit! There are 20 teams with about 100 participants taking part in the competition. Special thanks must be given to our Organizing Group from Award Network who supported the event.

Three sessions of FUNday were done smoothly! Although the participating Members were all first timers to try out hammock workout and carry out inversions, they could complete all sets of poses with ease.

‘AYP in ACTION’ was successfully held on 12 November 2017 in Sai Kung. Despite the undesirable weather conditions, participants and volunteers made it through with strong team spirit! There are 25 teams with 125 participants taking part in the competition. Special thanks must be given to our Organizing Group from Award Network who supported the event.
Get Involved
Award Network is ever expanding with both new Award recipients joining and reconnecting existing Award holders in Hong Kong. We are happy to organize various activities and look for benefit for members. Award Network members can get involved! If you have anything to share, do contact us!
Award Network members are invited to:
Initiate gatherings or service projects to the community
Share of your talent – to host workshops
Share or suggest good venues for hosting activities
Offer or refer a contact for purchase discount
Should you have any ideas to share, please contact Ms. Sinnie Ma at (852) 2157 8630 or awardnetwork@ayp.org.hk.
The Award Network aims to create synergy of AYPers to support AYP development, nurturing Hong Kong youth and passing on AYP spirit of challenge taking and perseverance to the next generation. Finance support is always crucial to the operation of the Award. Many a mickle makes a muckle. We sincerely invite Award holders to make donation to AYP. For details, please click here.
Global Networking
14 November 2012 Delegates from The International Award for Young People – Korea visited the Award Office in Hong Kong on 14 November 2012, and received warm welcome by Award Network members. We shared with each other about the development of AYP in our own country / city and also individual Award experience. Special appreciation to the guest reception team of Award Network. Event Photos>>
16-20 August 2012 Represented by Jeanne Cheng, Convenor of the Core Group, and Elkin Lee, Member of the Core Group, the Award Network on behalf of The Hong Kong Award for Young People participated in the Global Award Holders Network (GAHN) Leadership Capacity Building Workshop in Singapore on 16-20 August 2012 which was co-organised by the International Award Association and National Youth Achievement Award Council of Singapore. The occasion was attended by 25 young Award Leaders representing the four regions – Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific and EMAS Europe, Mediterranean & Arab States) Regions – with an aim to provide a platform for interaction and exchange of ideas by young people to lay down the foundation for the establishment of GAHN. At the Workshop, Jeanne and Elkin gave a presentation on the Award Network in Hong Kong andsh ared our experience in founding a local network for the Award Holders as well as promoting and facilitating continued involvement in the Award. They considered participating in the Workshop useful and fruitful, which gave inspiring ideas and new insights in running the Award Network in Hong Kong and also a valuable opportunity to promote the Award Network at international level. Activity Report>> Activity…
6 May 2012 Invited by The International Award for Young People Association of Macao China, some Award Network members together with CRS Expedition Instructors joined ‘ Hong Kong and Macau Young Gold Award holders and Expedition Instructors Get-together’ held on 6 May 2012. Topics include ‘The Future Development of Award holders Group and Expeditions Section’ and ‘Strengthening sense of belongings of AYP participants’ etc. were discussed. Special appreciation to Award Network members who had joined the event. Event Photos>>