Social Cohesion

Jockey Club “Camily” Project

Designed to improve family communication and appreciation. Through Skills, Physical Recreation and Expeditions activities, children will enhance their self-esteem and self-care ability, and parents will better understand children’s abilities and interests. Family bonds will be strengthened.

Target: Family with children aged 6-18 (Priority will be given to low-income families)

Jockey Club “Camily” Project Application Form

Jockey Club Diversity Mentoring Youth Project

“People of Differences”: people with disabilities are coaches to share positive attitudes and their resilience to adversity to youths. It also demonstrates their talent in the activities and strengthen self-identification. The aim is to let youths at risk to be inspired to recognize their value and strengths and learn different skills for career planning.

Jockey Club Diversity Mentoring Youth Project Application Form (will be updated)